This document contains the details of this release of the ModelSpace framework.


The following updates are included in this release of ModelSpace:

  • Add Google Earth plotting capability

  • Update CSV logging to add fidelity in high precision cases

  • Add support for liveplot error output

  • Add ability to map DataIO object to a pointer

  • Add signal utility to simplify connecting models

  • Add communication example script for comm budget study

  • Add bias and noise model

  • Add simple thruster model



  • 3D visuals are not supported for SWIG-wrapped languages

Frames and Dynamics

  • Frames and dynamics only support single, fixed-mass bodies

  • The only dynamic joints supported are fully free and fully fixed (partial DOF)

  • Acceleration-based methods are not available for nodes and frames — they apply forces and translate them through the frame tree

SWIG Wrapping and Python

  • Python is the only SWIG-wrapped language supported